Separation Anxiety in Pets

Hound dog licks his human.

Does your dog howl, chew your shoes, or dig holes in your yard every time you leave the house? Do your cats vomit or stop eating altogether each time you spend a night away? Separation anxiety in pets is no fun for you or your furry friends. The team at Sky Canyon Animal Hospital would like to share ways to understand and solve the common behavioral issues we see in anxious pets. 


What to Know About Adopting a Feral Cat

A woman sitting next to a stray cat.

A feral cat is a stray cat that has not been domesticated by people and shies away from human attention and touch. Either born wild or seperated from/abandoned by their owners, feral cats scavenge for food, suffer temperature extremes, and are at high risk of disease and injury. Their fearful, reclusive behavior typically precludes successful placement inside human homes, but adopting a feral cat is not impossible. Patience, perseverance, and preparation can yield incredible results and make a significant impact on your community.


Do You Have What It Takes to Travel With a Large Dog?

A brown dog sticking his head out of a car window

It might be a little harder to travel with a larger dog, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Whether you’re staying in your state or pursuing a cross-country adventure, proper preparation makes it easy to travel with your big pup. Sure, there’s a lot to consider, but it’s well worth the extra effort, time, and preparation.


What Pet Behavior Says About You and Them

A gray tabby cat with a stern expression.

Our pets say so much with their behavior, but we’re not always aware of what they’re saying or when. They’re subtle sometimes, but other times their body language speaks volumes. By paying close attention to what their body says, we can interpret a great deal about their thoughts and feelings. Pet behavior is always interesting and benefits from our time and energy.


Why is My Dog Reverse Sneezing?

Dog sneezing.

Your dog probably makes a lot of noises. From yips and yaps to snorts and growls, the canine species can be pretty noisy. Reverse sneezing in dogs, though, can be a little disconcerting and make even the most seasoned pup parent wonder what’s happening. Sky Canyon Animal Hospital has the information you need, though, to sort out the reverse sneeze. 
