Preparing Your Pet for California Wildfire Season: Emergency Tips and Evacuation Plans

Dachshund dog sitting in blue carrier

On any given day, pets depend on people for many things. When it comes to a potentially life-threatening natural disaster like a California wildfire, pets truly do not know how to look out for themselves. Pets and people are safest when they remain together during wildfire season. Whether that means hunkering down at home or evacuating, we’ve got some strategies to help with the preparations. 


Adopting a Pet for the Holidays: Is it the Right Time?

A puppy under christmas tree.

For some of us, the holidays make us feel warm, fuzzy, and completely in the mood for a cuddly new companion. For others, the holidays are a reminder of those we’ve lost. Nothing, we think, would be better than adopting a new pet to give all our love and attention to. 

But is adopting a pet for Christmas—or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or simply the winter solstice—a good idea? 

It all depends on the circumstances. Take a look at these pet adoption tips from the team at Sky Canyon Animal Hospital for help deciding. 


The Many Reasons to Microchip Your Pet

A red dog gets scanned for a microchip.

If only there was a way that you could defend against permanent loss of separation of your pet. Wait: there is! Microchipping offers an extra layer of protection if your pet ever goes missing. Microchipping can facilitate a safe return home if your pet is ever picked up by animal control, shelter personnel, or a well-meaning individual. It is not, however, a replacement or substitute for a proper collar and ID tag. If you’ve been wondering what all the fuss is about, we offer a few great reasons to microchip your pet.
