Murrieta Pet Wellness and Prevention

Annual wellness exams coupled with appropriate preventive treatments can help keep your pet healthy and happy throughout every stage of life. Additionally, wellness visits can help you and your pet build a relationship with your veterinarian and afford you the perfect opportunity to discuss any questions or concerns you might have.
Physical Exams
At your pet’s wellness visit, your Sky Canyon doctor will conduct a thorough physical exam to ensure your pet is developing properly, administer appropriate vaccines, and suggest further testing (such as bloodwork) if needed to check for underlying conditions. Your Sky Canyon doctor can also make other recommendations that may be appropriate for your pet, including microchipping, spaying/neutering, and proper nutrition.
Parasite Prevention
It never freezes in Southern California, which is great for growing plants — and fleas. Your Sky Canyon veterinarian can suggest species-appropriate prevention for your pet.
Cats and dogs as young as 6-weeks-old can be vaccinated, either during a wellness exam or at our low-cost vaccine clinic [link to page] on Saturdays, when many of our vaccines are discounted.
Core vaccines for cats:
- FVRCP: Protects against feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and pan leukopenia (feline distemper)
- Rabies: Protects against the fatal rabies virus
Core vaccines for dogs:
- DHPP: Protects your dog against distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus
- Rabies: Protects against the fatal rabies virus
Lifestyle vaccines for pets with certain risk factors:
- FELV: For cats at risk of contracting feline leukemia from other cats (mostly for outdoor pets)
- Bordetella: An extremely contagious upper respiratory infection (commonly called “kennel cough”)
- Lepto: Protects against leptospirosis (for pets who are frequently near bodies of water)
- Rattlesnake bite vaccine: Reduces your dog’s risk of permanent injury if bitten
When it comes to maintaining your pet’s health, annual checkups can build a solid foundation for ongoing wellness. Call us today to schedule your pet’s appointment.